Christi asked: How exactly do you get those great jumping photos? Does it take multiple shots?
If I try a jumping picture during a training run, I usually take a few and pick the best. But just to prove that the jumping pictures I take aren’t doctored, here are some actual race pictures:

What is one race you can't wait to do?
The one race I can’t wait to do is the marathon where I break 4 hours. I think I might need a pacer who will carry me the last six miles to make it happen.
Coy asked: did you start playing the piano?? Do you have a baby grand in your home ;)
I started playing the piano around age 18. I’m kind of limited though because I never took lessons so I still can’t read sheet music. I do have a baby grand which the kids have started playing (they take lessons from a real piano teacher). More info about my piano music is at
Amylee asked: Do you use photoshop? Do you alter the saturation on your photos? Or are your skills just unmatched?
I boost the saturation on almost all pictures. I think that’s the best way to give an image of what the eye sees because most cameras suck out some of the color.
Rachelle asked: What is your all time ultimate dream race?
Finishing a 100 miler is probably my ultimate dream. There are a few I'm considering: The Buffalo Run 100 miler next March in Salt Lake, the Rocky Road 100 miler next February in California, or the Zion 100 next May which is basically in my back yard.
Are you interested in doing an Iron man or ultra marathon?
I would love to do Ironman if we could cut out the swimming. I hate water. This year I did a 50 miler and a 50k ultramarathon but next year I really want to shoot for a 100 mile ultramarathon.
What is your secret to your amazing pictures? Do tell!
I think the secret is that I take lots of pictures until I get one where the color and lighting and angle are just right. Plus the scenery in southern Utah is awesome so it's hard to take a bad picture.
Do your kids think your as funny as I do?
Funny.....maybe. Funny-looking.....definitely. They are as crazy as me:

Can we hangout and go to the hostess store next time your up north?
Definitely! It seems like every runner is into frozen yogurt right now which I'm cool with because that leaves more donuts for me.
Jess asked: Who's your favorite artist Celine Dion or Heart? I love both of them and will sing you one of their songs anytime!
I heard both "artist's" CDs are used to torture prisoners of war. I can't think of a worse torture than having to listen to this music.
Who's your favorite couple to vacation with?
Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey
Why haven't we, meaning you, me and Mel, gone on any runs together? Getting a jumping picture with you is on my bucket list!
You just say when and we're there. (You must have an entertaining bucket list.)
loved this
ReplyDeleteFun fun! And yes you should absolutely do a 100 miler. Mark my word that I will run part of it with you k.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. I can't wait to watch your journey through your first 100 miler. You amaze.
ReplyDeleteAnd, seriously, why fro yo? ICE CREAM IS SO MUCH BETTER.
Ask your pacer if he has big enough arms to carry an extra person. I wanna break 4 hours too. :)
ReplyDeleteCool questions and answers. A friend forwarded me a link to a 100 mile race last week. I need to get a few more marathons under my belt before I think about something like that, but for the first time I didn't laugh and delete it.
ReplyDeleteYour answers are so fun to read! I love your jumping pictures and the one of you with your kids! They are so cute! I hope your pacer can carry me on his shoulders so you, me, and Coy can all break 4 hours :)
ReplyDeleteI admire your mad jumping photo skillz. tried getting a jumping photo on the beach with my son while on vacation and it took like 7 tries to get one with both of us in the air (he was more airbound than me). The rest are just ridiculous looking shots of us right after we landed or before we jumped.