Friday, July 1, 2011

Hitting The Wall In A Marathon

A little while ago my wife and I watched the movie "Run Fat Boy Run". I thought the movie was okay, but one particular part made me cry because I was laughing so hard.

It's the part where he hits the wall during the marathon. If you have never run a marathon before, this is a perfect (and very funny) illustration of what it feels like to hit the wall. For those of you who have run a marathon, is this not exactly what you feel like around mile 21?


  1. haha! I need to see this movie! definitely can understand that feeling!

  2. That's hilarious! I haven't run a marathon yet, but it'll happen soon enough.

  3. Oh man, that was horrible and inspiring all at the same time! Thanks for sharing that..hahaha!

  4. Hahaha I've seen this movie too. I have never hit the wall before and I don't think I ever want to!

  5. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Thanks so much for posting this! And thanks for the donation and for entering my giveaway. Happy Fourth!
