(Another EXCELLENT website with training for an ultramarathon is http://www.fitnessintuition.com/howtorun.htm )
The most interesting thing I learned about ultra training is that most plans recommend having the longest training run be around 30 miles. But most marathon training plans recommend a max of around 20 miles....and then you can make up the extra six miles on race day with the adrenaline (which is a lie - because those last six miles hurt).
I can see that if you're well-trained, you can just make up the extra six at the end of a marathon. But that is radically different than making up an extra TWENTY MILES to finish an ultramarathon. I am very interested to see what happens in those last 20 miles.
I made a few adjustments for races but I weekly mileage from sample training plans stayed the same. Here is my rookie 50 Mile training plan:

?How did your race go