I ran early in the morning before work. And, might I add, this is the only possible time to run these days. With afternoon temps reaching 105 degrees, you must run in the morning, lest your skin melt like a Popsicle onto the road.
Tuesday, June 22 2010: Ran for 25 minutes. No Garmin again today. Mel and I did a familiar loop past the Maverik gas station. I never take any money with me, lest I stop mid-run at the gas station for a pink frosted sugar cookie.
Wednesday, June 23 2010: Rest. And a pink frosted sugar cookie - lest my body forget the importance of having sugar pump through my veins.
Thursday, June 24 2010: 5 miles @ 11:01 per mile pace. We ran to LaVerkin and back. Mel was thankful there was a bathroom at the turnaround point.

On the way back, we went up a big hill that gains 100 feet in 1/5 mile. I had to laugh when we reached the top of the hill and she asked in complete sincerity "Have you ever thrown up when you were running?" We slowed down the pace a little bit, lest she need to clean vomit off her shoes.
Friday, June 25 2010: Rest. And donuts. Lest any Hostess products sit on the shelf long enough to reach the expiration date.
Saturday, June 26 2010: 11 miles @ 10:46 per mile pace. I headed out bright and early with The Mels (my wife Mel and our friend Mel Cowden). For some reason I only slept a few hours the night before, lest insomnia think it's losing a grip on my sleeping habits. So I think I was delirious during the whole run, and slept for at least six of the miles.
We experimented with Jeff Galloway's run/walk method so we ran for five minutes then walked one minute for ten miles. Let me tell you something: I'm a convert. Doing the run/walk, I didn't hurt anywhere, I never reached the point of exhaustion, and we were still able to keep a good pace.

Our plan was to go 10 miles, but when we finished the run, I was still feeling so good that I kept going for one more mile which I ran in 8:16. I felt MUCH less sore and worn out this week doing 11 miles than I did last week only doing 6 (although I'm sure part of that was due to only being a week out from the marathon.)
We had fun and will probably do all our Saturday long runs like this in the coming months leading up to the St. George Marathon. Feel free to join us any Saturday for a slower, funner (I say it IS a word), and hopefully pain-free run!

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