Monday, March 15th 2010: An absolutely horrific flight to Hawaii. Me and airplanes are not friends. I don't enjoy being locked in fetal position for five hours while breathing other people's air. Ugh.
Tuesday, March 16th 2010: 3.5 miles. Mel and I ran around our resort at Ko Olina on Oahu with our friend Darin. I was worn out from travel the two days prior so it was a little rough.
Later in the day we hiked to the top of Diamond Head, an extinct (fortunately) volcano. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

Here is a view of Diamond Head from the ocean.

Wednesday, March 10th 2010: Ice cream. Macadamia nuts. Shaved ice. Pulled pork. Pineapple. Ice cream. I love Hawaii.
Thursday, March 11th 2010: 3.5 miles @ 11:18 per mile pace. Mel and I ran around the resort again and I felt better.
Friday, March 12th 2010: Pulled pork. Pineapple. Ice cream. Are you sensing a theme here?
Saturday, March 13th 2010: 10 miles @ 11:26 per mile pace. Mel joined me again. Let me just tell you - she rules. She is preparing for the Ogden Half Marathon in a few months and has been training so diligently. I really admire her.
This was one of the coolest places I've ever done. It's easy to be happy when you are running along the ocean amid rows of palm trees.

The run was incredible. We also had an added challenge of dodging the stray cats (we counted 12). They seem to enjoy the jogging path in the mornings also. It was the perfect ending to a great week in Hawaii.

Looked like the perfect trip. How fun. You know, they have a Marathon in Hawaii. Heard the humidity is rough though.