Tuesday, May 19th 2009: 30 minutes on exercise bike. This is mindless exercise as long as there is a basketball game on.
Wednesday, May 20th 2009: 4 miles in 35 minutes. I ran later in the day which was utterly miserable. I also tried to run too fast for my britches which encouraged a strong nausea sensation.
Thursday, May 21st 2009: 3 miles at track + 17 mile bike ride. I went on a bike ride with Tom Thursday night. It was long and challenging and exhausting. But....I didn't feel sore and beat up like I do after running. That was nice.
Friday, May 22nd 2009: Rest.
Saturday, May 23rd 2009: 10 miles in 1 hour 55 minutes. Me and Running are friends again after last week's brutality. The run today went great. Mel and I left at 5:30am and tried an experiment. We went slower, and stopped every mile to stretch and walk for 1 minute, whether we felt like it or not.
This worked perfectly. I wasn't hurting and exhausted and was able to get into the zone where I'm thinking about other things besides assessing which part of my body hurts the most. I planned to just run 9 miles but felt so good at that point that I ran one more.
I'm really going to work on slowing down for my long runs and doing more stretching during the run. I think this will help reduce the possibility of wanting to stop, curl up in fetal position, and spend the rest of the night sleeping on the side of the road.
I was just going to do 8 miles, but I was feeling so good I went ahead and did 9!!! I've never done such a thing in my life. Bring it on 13.1!!!! Thanks Cor for letting me tag along. I love you!